Is Joe Rogan as Polarizing as they Say?
Joe Rogan is a popular online podcaster. He has recently entered into a $100,000,000 (Yes, that is one-hundred million) contract with the content giant known as Spotify. He gets an incredible audience of roughly 11,000,000 listens per day1. This is roughly ten times more views than even CNN prime time news receives! For this reason, mainstream media is bashing him for his show's content which at times contradicts their willfully ignorant and factually bankrupt Covid narratives. Rogan put out a short video explaining his side of the controversy2 in which he defends his right to have controversial conversations and mentions that it's probably what makes the show interesting to people! That being said, he did bend over backward to allow them to put warnings on episodes featuring doctors who disagree with their ragtag band of fact-checkers. There is an unsettling campaign of coercion coming from the Covid vaccine pushers who have gotten Rogan to say he would likely be willing to get more pro-vaccine guests to even out the opinion.

One point of controversy is about how Rogan has said himself that if it were up to him, he wouldn't recommend that young people with healthy immune systems needed any Covid vaccines. And he has a point. Young people are known to have very little susceptibility to dangerous symptoms of the virus3. Much of the controversy appears to be manufactured, however. The anecdotal evidence in YouTube Comments, my own conversations with people in real life, and of course his 11 million viewers reveal how the public appreciates hearing a refreshing take on an issue which has been so heavily scripted and propagandized to us by the mainstream media. This is the same media which has been paid hundreds of millions of dollars by vaccine investors such as Bill Gates4.

Here at we aren't pro or anti-vaccine. We recognize each person has separate needs. What we ARE against at is fear mongering, forced mandates, and censorship!

A while ago, right here on I created an article titled, "Ridiculous Ebola Panic". This was because I could smell a rat. The very low case count and the low transmissibility didn't match the widespread fear mongering in the news-media which was highly destructive for the public consciousness. Many have called the media out for their irresponsible reporting on Ebola, and was among the first wave of its critics. Most of the same issues in reports on Ebola parallel what we are seeing with Covid, except they are increased by many orders of magnitude! People are much more interested in hearing a unique, unbiased opinion on the matters of today than incessant fear mongering. It is a great shame that Spotify and Rogan are willing to pander even a little bit to their hostile competition, although we all must commend Rogan for going forward with his podcast, and standing by every statement he's stated!, 02/02/2022. 2Rogan on Facebook, Joe Rogan, 02/02/2022. 3BBC, 02/02/2022. 4Gates and his global agenda, Alan Macleod, 02/03/2022.
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Uploaded by Neil on 06:29pm 02/02/22.
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